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What is the basis for determining the number of traffic lanes on the carriageway?

How is the main road defined?

Which car has priority?

At the request of a police officer, the driver must submit to being checked:

Which car will exit the intersection second (car 1 is turning right)?

The road sign means:

Which road sign prohibits vehicles from parking only on working days?

What should a driver do when approaching a standing car with a flashing blue light?

What should the driver of a car who is forced to stop on a steep hill do?

A car driver in a residential area must not drive faster than:

Which of the depicted trajectories for turning around is correct?

What is the maximum allowed speed for a passenger car from April 1st until October 31st on the road section marked with this sign?

Both cars are leaving the parking space at the same time. Which of them must give way in this situation?

Near which bodies of water can a fog form on the road?

When approaching an intersection of equivalent roads, you must:

Which road sign says "Two-way traffic"?

Is it allowed to turn around in this place?

What is the maximum allowed speed for trucks when towing motor vehicles with a flexible tow bar?

Is the car driver allowed to turn right?

What should you do if there is an obstacle on your side of the road that makes it difficult to pass by with the vehicle in front of you?

What should a driver do before getting out of the car when he stops on the right side of the road?

Is it allowed to turn around here?

What should you pay attention to when this symbol lights up on the dashboard?

Which road sign prohibits driving in reverse?

The correct position of the driver's hands on the steering wheel is:

Which road sign is called "Pedestrians"?

Is a motorcycle rider allowed to turn left at an intersection?

Is the driver of the blue car allowed to overtake?

In which directions is the car allowed to move?

In which traffic lanes is a passenger car allowed to drive in the settlement, if the carriageway is free?